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tv   Ana Cabrera Reports  MSNBC  April 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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"loving each other." and thank you so much for all of you. that does it for us this morning. ana cabrera picks up the coverage right now. >> right now on "ana cabrera reports" new chaos on campuses, and new clashes and new arrests as the pro palestinian clash across the country. plus, extreme weather, and where the threat is today after reports of more than 100 tornadoes in six states over the weekend. and also ahead, the second week of donald trump's hush money trial, and the look of the banker who is returning to the stand. and later, political frenemies and how donald trump and ron desantis are looking to bury the hatchet.
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good morning and thanks so much for joining us at 10:00 a.m. eastern. reporting from new york, i'm ana cabrera. beginning overnight on the virginia tech campus as colleges and universities are following a weekend of pro-palestinian protests and counter demonstrations across the country. our antonia hylton is on the campus as well as a new report there? >> we have a new report from the columbia university who says that they are not going to divest from the businesses who do business with israel, and they have no plans from the
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students who are going to walk away from the encampment, and the students are inspired from the encampments from across the united states from of course, here in new york, and tennessee and all of the way to california. the students have taken as a message of strength in the movement, and they are clearly sending a message and not just to their respective administrations, but really across the country now. we are seeing the schools handling this very differently, and in some cases an immediate police presence and students facing disciplinary action and court summons, and in some cases like harvard, the harvard police department, the chief spoke with student reporters and says that their encampment is completely peaceful, and they have a right to free speech and the right to be there and while he is separate from the administrative action that may come to the students, he signaled, he has no plan to disband their movement. so it is going to be looking differently in different corners
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of the country, but the signs show it is not going to slow down any time soon. >> antonia, we know that there are colleges handling it differently, but how are the protesters handling it differently, and there are 46 colleges who have seen some kind of demonstration, and are they similar or disparity in how the people who are protesting handling things? >> there's been a range. i mean, at times they are looking similar, and similar structures, and many of the kids have ordered simple tents online and creating libraries and doing the programming and dancing at times in the encampments and so in some ways physically looking similar, but there is a range in terms of the size, and some schools have not formed encampments, but they have protests in afternoons or the students have gone marching. some schools are calm and locked the gates, so there is a real separation between local community and the people who live in the city and the
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student, and that is the case here in columbia with the students behind the gate, and those behind the gate are local new yorker, and then other schools where people from all over the place are access to certain lawns and have joined the parts of the movements and difficult for the school to tell the difference between real students and members of the community and maybe outside people who have come and gotten involve and even started fights. so it is looking differently, and it is so helpful to so many people on the ground to these schools to get to the center of the story and talk to the people truly involved. >> and so aaron, not only is the white house under growing pressure to respond to the protest, they are impacting the president's commencement speech schedule. walk us through it. >> yes, they are watching it closely from the outset, and the position that the president has taken is what we have heard from the national security adviser, and the press secretary and others from the administration
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as well is that they encourage the idea of demonstrations that are peaceful, and they want the students to feel as though their voices can be heard, and they can make the positions known in a public space and that it is good and okay. on the other side, the administration has said they outright condemn any sort of violent demonstrations that pop up. and as antonia noted that many if not all of the demonstrations on college campuses have been peaceful. there are some that have been otherwise, and the administration says no room, no space for anti-semitic commentary in the protests or the demonstration, and it is something that it will condemn. at the same time, criticism that the department of education for example has not taken more action through the civil rights office to address some of the complaints that it has received since october 7th from particular from the jewish students who have not been feeling safe on the college campuses, and a push from the administration to respond to the
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complaints and to take action on the college campuses. we know that president biden is set to speak in may at two college commencements, two, morehouse in atlanta and west point at the u.s. army college at west point. and the president is speaking at one at the air force academy next month at least that is what has been announced to this point. it is speaking to the reality that the protests that are happening at the colleges are something that the administration is aware of, and the president and vice president will likely have to face at least some level of demonstration in some of the commencement ceremoies coming up, ana. >> thank you, antonia and aaron, for your reporting. and the courthouse in lower manhattan is dark this morning as the prosecution is gearing up for a third witness to take the stand. gary farro who is michael cohen's former banker who was
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directly involved in the transaction of cohen and stormy daniels. so we bring in our legal correspondents. and so you have been inside of the courthouse every day since this began, lisa. and so this third witness to take the stand, gary farro,and why is he important? >> he is the michael cohen banker, and he had been a long time customer with several accounts, but in the fall of 2016 in connection to paying first karen mcdougal and then stormy daniels, michael cohen had to open up new accounts to make those payments, and so in mid-october he went to gary farro who was his then banker saying he needed to open up a llc account, a limited liability account, and he opened up a llc
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account to make that payment to keith danielson who is stormy daniel's lawyer, and michael cohen will take us through that, and it will contain some of the misrepresentations of the consulting entity and explain how quickly this deal came to fruition, and gary farro confirmed to michael cohen that the money has been wired. >> there was testimony from the same day of ronna graf who is donald trump's long time assistant. >> she is the capacity of the records custodian and someone who could say, yes, all of the things that you, the prosecution, want to introduce, emails, and contacts from donald trump's outlook account and calendar entries and the like, they are authentic to the trump organization where she worked for three decades as trump's most senior executive assistant and ultimately the vice president of the company. what is most important there are sort of twofold. one, she showed that the outlook account that she maintained on
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donald trump's behalf, and we know that trump does not use email had two contacts, one for karen mcdougal and one for stormy daniels, and she also had emails with white house contact westerhout. and hey, can you have someone send me a fedex label so i can send back the checks that the president signed. i believe that the checks in that email are going to be the checks to repay michael cohen which he regularly signed likely from the oval office handed to him by westerhouse and engineered by the white house staff on one hand, and the trump organization folks on the other. >> you are piecing together why one person's testimony builds on the next person's testimony and so forth. so for you, catherine, when you are hearing about ronna graf's
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testimony, and what we have heard from gary farro, what is the prosecution trying to establish with these witnesses? >> corroboration, corroboration, corroboration with michael cohen, and because when the prosecution attacks his credibility, because he has lied, in the summation, they will point to executive assistant in the white house and the trump organization, and also, the banker when he sent the $30,000 to stormy daniels' attorney, and it is all corroboration for michael cohen who is biased and hostile. david pecker was not biased and hostile. if there is a guilty verdict, you can trace it back to david pecker's testimony, the opening witness, because the prosecutors were very, very pleased with his testimony. particularly the cross-examination. they really, the defense didn't destroy him. that probably wasn't their goal,
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but the prosecutors are happy with him, and the eyes and the ears of the campaign, and he is the eyes and the ears of the jury to the conspiracy to promote the election by unlawful means. >> and the three witnesses that the jury has now heard from and what has been presented as evidence by the prosecution, catherine, have there been any real surprises so far, do you think? >> no surprises, and no one fell apart, and that would be a surprise, because the prosecution would be oops, but we are learning things that we didn't know that were not in the indictment or the statement of facts, and so it is a surprise for the public, but not a surprise for the defense, because they had it, and they had all of the discovery and the paperwork and the emails. >> give us some color from the courtroom, lisa, since you have been inside at time, and in the overflow room at times, and what are the observations of donald trump, the defendant, here, and how is the demeanor and has it changed at all in the past week, and what are you seeing with the jurors? >> well, talk about trump first,
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because it changes from moment to moment, and i watched clips of president biden at the correspondence dinner where he said he is a grown man running against a 6-year-old. the donald trump in the courtroom is hardly 6-year-old, but he is a stereotypical 76-year-old where at rest, he seems bored and at times very tired. he is not his usual vigorous energetic self and divorced of the platform and action, but a donald trump who is essentially trapped in the courtroom as a defendant is not the donald trump in motion, but it is one at rest, and one that we are not used to, and he seems lethargic almost, but when he sees people that he knows from his life testifying from his life, he is interested and animate and not particularly hostile, and he was genuinely curious what david pecker would say, and he seemed glad to see ronna graf who worked for him for 30-plus years and he tried to get up and greet
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ronna graf according to some report, and i could not see it from the vantage, because i was blocked by court officers, but basically attempted to sort of interfere with her egress when she left the courtroom, because he wanted to shake her hand and say hello, and the court officer stopped him from doing so, and so the trump that you see in the courtroom depends upon who is talk and what is going on and he alternates from nap time and curiosity and hostility and all of those things all in one day. day by day. >> and what about the jurors? how are they receiving what they are hearing? >> attentive and the best description was from our colleague tom winter who observed in the courtroom last week in one of the days is like watching the jurors is like watching the spectators at a wimbledon event because the heads were side to side to side and not only what david pecker was saying is but how the person
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questioning him was reacting to him. it did not matter if it was joshua steinglass or neil bovy, because both sides did a good job, but the problem for trump's case, they don't have that much to work with, and two, on a couple of occasion, mr. bovy went too far at testimony that pecker was not willing to give him. for example, he asked mr. pecker, wasn't the portion of the agreement that you had with karen mcdougal that had services attached to it because he was a celebrity in her own right. pecker wouldn't have it, it had value to her, but to us, not really. >> and if you are the prosecution, catherine, who do you call after gary farro? >> well, they have not let us know because donald trump probably intimidating them, but i would call another person to
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corroborate michael cohen and i would not leave him for last. i would not want the jury left with him. >> the first and the last impression. >> i would not call him next or last, but i would have another corroboration witness for michael cohen in piecing everything together. >> all right. thank you, both. i appreciate your analysis and reporting. this morning we are tracking a deadly outbreak of tornados. dozens of twisters are ripping through the midwest, and we will have a look of the devastation and a new look of the extreme weather today. plus, don and ron's detente. a new detail of how the former president and florida's governor are looking to bury the hatchet. later, could the international criminal court issue an arrest warrant for the israel prime minister? what we are hearing on the ground. back in 60 seconds. back in 60 seconds.
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welcome back. we are tracking a new threat of extreme weather across the south after deadly storms went across the southwest this weekend. more than 120 tornadoes tracked with at least five people kill and hundreds injured. oklahoma especially hard-hit. officials there say that a tornado destroyed most of the downtown area of sulfur which is home to 5,000 people near oklahoma city. our jessie kirsch is there in sulfur, and melissa gross is standing by with the forecast. jesse, what is the latest? >> well, we know that one person died here according to officials and one of four people who lost their lives in the state of oklahoma over the weekend, and according to the officials, one of the people who died was an infant, a 4-month-old baby to put it in context the
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devastation here. we know of a death in the state of iowa and again, it is speaking to the violence that came with these storms. i will have my photographer pan off of me and you can see some of the devastation here in the downtown where the roofs are gone, bricks gone and you can see that this morning the community is in pieces. >> holy -- >> reporter: this morning, devastation in oklahoma. >> be advised that all of downtown sulfur is destroyed. >> reporter: sulfur, oklahoma, population of roughly 5,000 taking a direct hit. the harrowing nighttime twister is caught on camera. the locals say it is the small city's historic downtown and now it is reduced to rubble. the roofs are gone. buildings destroyed. this mail truck tilting on a pile of debris. >> it looks like somebody
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dropped a bomb on this area, because it is just -- it's gone. >> reporter: officials say that at least 100 people are injured from relentless storms across the state. >> you can't believe the devastation. >> reporter: destruction from texas to the midwest with torrential rains and reports in college station and trinity, texas, and at least 120 tornadoes reported across multiple states. much of mendon, iowa, ripped to shreds. here in mendon, they say this home is in the middle of the street, but it is supposed to be yards away on the foundation. you can see it is hardly the only building badly damaged. the community now comes together to pick up the pieces. >> when something is that bad, you almost go a little bit numb, and so it is a matter of getting up and going forward. >> reporter: you can see it is sunny here now, ana, and we are looking at a clear forecast
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today and tomorrow and a marginal risk of more severe weather here wednesday and needless to say it is not helpful with this cleanup. >> michelle, where is this weather headed now and who should be in alert? >> it is the gulf states and along the mississippi valley as well. we have been watching it all night long and into this morning. we are seeing the heavy rain which is the threat todayb and we saw 6 inches with these storms, because they are moving so slow. and when you see the brighter colors with the reds and the oranges, that is the downpours. and most of the lightning is off of the coast, but we could see a storm as we go throughout the later part of to day, too, and zooming in closer, a lot of activity and energy and warm air and instability to work with and that heavy rainfall with the places in louisiana looking for the rainfall. as we go through the rest of today, we are looking at the
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gulf coast into new orleans and jackson, and we could see the storms on the stronger side with the winds gusting at 60 miles per hour, and the grounds are saturated, and we could see power lines coming down, and trees, and also some isolated tornadoes, and hail up to half an inch. but we are going to be seeing the threat of severe storms later today. and 3 million people impacted by the flood alerts and flash flood warnings are in the red, and that moons that the flooding is happening now or imminent. and you can see on the radar why, because we have all of the heavy rain falling. we will see the hourly rainfall rates of up to an inch an hour. the ground is very, very saturated. throughout tomorrow, 5 million people at risk from sioux city and des moines and places like kansas city, and we could see the wind gusting up to 75 miles per hour, and higher today, and
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that is hurricane-force winds, and damaging hail 2 inches or larger, and this is going to cause some damage on its own, and tornado damage is likely. we will see it ramping up, and especially by wednesday, and we are looking at the large hail again, and potential for large hail again, and that is in the same areas that was hit friday and saturday. >> no rest. thank you, michelle grossman and jesse kirsch. and looking for allies in unlikely places, have president trump and ron desantis buried the hatchet. and president biden at the correspondence dinner. >> yes, i'm a grown man running against a 6-year-old. tting tre. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time.
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florida carlos cabello, and dasha, what is it that we are learning from this meeting, is ron desantis going to be hitting the campaign trail? >> this is an olive branch meet, and it was a bitter, bitter rivalry and so many brutal arrows shot between the two of them. and to be clear about one thing, this is not a vp-type meeting, and desantis is not on trump's short list, because there is too much bad blood and not between the two men, but the staffs, and so it is not going to work, but desantis is a prolific fund-raiser, and trump needs the cash, and that is where you can expect desantis to be helpful. he has said in the past, he is not going to be doing campaigning, because florida is not where he needs desantis' help, and not a campaign trail assist, but an assist on the money front. and we know that desantis was golfing at a miami club and he met trump there for breakfast,
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and mutual contact between the two, steve whitkopf and it was mutually arranged between the two men, and the desantis team reached out via steve whitkopf to bury the hatchet and talk fund-raising and try to move past the brutal, brutal primary. >> and so, congressman cabello, you are there in florida, and these are two leaders in your party, and what do you make of the meet-up, and i wonder, who needs whom more? >> well, ana, it is a meeting of convenience, and these are two men who are not close friends, and they don't have a good relationship, but donald trump needs two things. he needs cash for his campaign, because he is still trailing joe biden in the money race, and he needs to project a united republican party, and we can see that nikki haley is registering double digits in some of the
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primaries, and that is a problem for donald trump, and this is going to be a close race, and certainly both of the campaigns are preparing for a close race, and any erosion of republicans is dangerous for trump, and so he wants to project that the party is united and that he is bringing people together. and then for desantis, we all know that anyone who is ambitious in the republican party these days and wants to have a future needs to be in a good place with donald trump. so for him, it is a way to kind of bury the hatchet, as some reporters have said, and try to start anew so that this feud with trump doesn't get in the way of any future plans that he may have. >> and so the white house correspondence dinner was this weekend, and president biden was full of jokes, and that is what is typical there, and each president having their jokes with a speech, and more of a lighter moment, but also an opportunity to take some big hits, and that is what biden did against trump.
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take a listen. >> and the only thing that we have in common, because my vice president endorses me. i have had a great stretch since the state of the union, but donald has had a few tough days lately, and you might call it stormy weather. what the hell. >> congressman rose, up until now, president biden has gone out of his way not to talk about trump's trial, and he went there. >> sure, and i think it is a very important political tact here, because certainly -- >> to talk about it or not to talk about it? >> it is not just the subject matter, but to speak about it that donald trump is such an utter joke, and incredibly important that the biden campaign makes a point that trump is a threat to democracy and all that we hold dear, but concurrently, and that is what you are seeing here, a huge part
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of the campaign is that donald trump is not up to the task, and he is a mockery and a joke of anyone purporting to be a leader. you know, the more that president biden can take on the issues that people claim are a negative toward him, and particularly age, and making light of it, the better it will be for his campaign. ronald reagan famously did that in his campaign when he said, look, we can make age an issue here, and i think that my opponent's youth and inexperience is his biggest detriment, and you are seeing it is in the speech as well that you will be seeing more on the campaign. >> and so, what are you seeing in the trial and whether or not president biden is talking about it? >> well, two things that trump voters love about trump. number one, that he is a fighter. number two, and this is often understated he is funny. he really makes people laugh at
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the rallies and he can make fun of his opponents in a way that resonates with his base, and this is what biden did at the white house correspondence dinner, but the thing that i have been hearing from the democratic voters is that they don't want biden to be trump, but they want to see him in the fighting position, and bringing a little bit of levity, too. biden, for a long time, in his political career, he was charming guy and empathetic guy, and mixing the funny with the sort of the fighting back position, and it is something that is going to resonate with the democratic voters who have been looking for a little bit more of that from him. >> and congressman, rfk jr. says he is expecting to get more ballot access, and there a mix of polling on how he would impact the race come november showing him eating into both biden and trump's numbers, and who you think should be more concerned that rfk jr. is not going anywhere? >> well, ana, in the long term,
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not here in next few months, but as people get to know rfk, and it is pretty clear that he is going nowhere and he is going to compete in all of the states, and in the long run, he is fundamentally an anti-establishment candidate, and that going to end up hurting donald trump more than joe biden especially given rfk's prominent role in the anti-vax movement, and that is a move that more aligned with the trump movement since the pandemic, and as they get to know more about what he stands for, threat is more to donald trump, and a lot of people think that he is a kennedy and typical liberal politician, but that is not the case. so right now, some polls are showing that it is hurting joe biden, but as more people get to know rfk and the platform more, the risk is growing for former president trump. >> what about you, congressman rose? >> you will be seeing the
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negative ads from both sides, and it is going to be depending from the poll, and which candidate he is drawing from. donald trump is already speaking negatively about rfk. >> and those two were exchanging punches against each othesh and rfk is getting to him. >> absolutely. the latest poll shows that he is drawing significantly from the trump voters due to an tie establishment stance on so many positions. of course, you could see some liberals wrongfully thinking the kennedy name and this and that, and for the first time in these summer months is pretty significant amount of resources coming from both sides targeted towards a third party candidate, and actually on the air waves in the swing districts and the sooner the better, because from the democratic standpoint, we need this to be a two-way race and have the focus on the extraordinary threat that extremists magaism and trumpism
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is against all that we hold dear. >> thank you, all. still ahead on "ana cabrera reports" did donald trump violate his gag order? we will speak about that. and also, what is happening in the middle east as there is a ground offensive in rafah. by a. ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase
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secretary of state antony blinken is back in the u.s. after what he called hamas extraordinarily generous offer for the return of has taj hosta he also says that there could be arrest warras f people including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and raf is over in israel and the efforts on a cease-fire deal. >> so, right now, there is a real sense of urgency to get to a cease-fire deal before israel starts that offensive in rafah, and what is on the deal would see the release of 33 hostages
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from the humanitarian category which is women and children and it is the elderly and people with severe medical conditions. in return, hamas would get a 40-day cease-fire and the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners, and now secretary of state blinken is speaking in saudi arabia calling this an extraordinarily generous offer. there is a delegation of hamas officials in cairo today, and the israeli official says that a israeli team could head to the capital tomorrow depend pog and the progress. and hamas is releasing another hostage video showing another american-israeli hostage and this time it is keith seigel who is the oldest american in captiity and they are framing the videos as a sign of goodwill. >> and now, tell us about this international court and what more are you learning?
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>> this is something that israel is concerned about for a long time, but an israeli official says they believe as early as this week, the international criminal court could issue arrest warrants not just for prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but also for the defense minister and senior israeli generals. this official tells me that israel is mounting a concerted diplomatic campaign to try to head off these warrants. we asked the international national criminal court about this, and they confirmed they have an active investigation on the situation in israel and the occupied palestinian territories, but they would not say whether or not these arrest warrants are going to be issued. if they are, ana, it would not lead to the immediate arrest of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but it would make it difficult for him to travel to european countries that are signatories to the international criminal court. it would also mean that he joins the unwelcomed category alongside russian president
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vladimir putin who has his own arrest warrant for alleged war crimes committed in ukraine. ana. >> raf sanchez, thank you for all of the updates. next on "ana cabrera reports" the hush money trial, and what is happening with the gag order. i will talk to a former supreme court who has known judge juan merchan for 20 years, and how she believes he is handling this historic case. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia.
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welcome back. while we wait on a decision of whether or not donald trump violated the gag order in the hush money trial, this thursday, a critical new hearing on potentially new gag order violations. joining us is retired supreme court justice jill kavizer, and she has known judge juan merchan for 15 years, and you know the man, and what is holding him up on giving a ruling on that? >> the defendant's conduct is holding him up. had there been no additional alleged violations, we would have seen a ruling fairly quickly after the hearing last week. but then the new allegations come, and he is going to take his time to make sure that he
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does this right at this point. hanging over his head is the new violations, and it could also be a point where he does not deal with the penalty until after the trial as well. this is a side show, right, the gag order, and the violations take everyone's eye off of the ball which is the trial. and the judge's paramount job here, and the most important thing is to make sure that both sides get the fair trial they are entitled to, and to make sure that everything is conducted within the laws of this state. and the federal government for that matter, and so he is going to focus on getting through the witnesses first. it is not as though he is sitting around doing nothing else, because the lawyers are filing motions everyday on different topics. and he has to deal with that. in terms of the gag order, you will see it, but now that there are additional possible violations, he is going to go through each one, and go through
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each one carefully and make sure that he gets it right. >> what would you do? >> i would go through and take your time and each one is serious, and the fact that there are so many, it does not change the change the fact that they are meant to muzzle someone in the general sense, because the defendant has shown that he is incapable of following the rules, and so the judge on march 26th, and amended on april 1st, he issued those gag orders, and the rules are not in place for donald trump, and they are in place for everyone. there is historical significance to the rules. >> and the point is to also preserve the trial, to make sure that there is impartiality, and to make sure that the witnesses are not intimidated, and to make sure that the jurors are not influenced by comments, and that is the reason that the gag order was put in place. i wonder as an observer and
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someone who knows judge merchan personally, how do you feel he has handled the trial so far? >> i think that he has done an excellent job, and very few fireworks. the only fireworks in the case is because donald trump decides to get on the bully pulpit and say things that are outside of the gag order. otherwise, timely, and not huge delays, and going along smoothly as possible. and if there is anything predictable about a criminal trial, it is unpredictable, and here, things are going along quite smoothly, and judge merchan deserves our gratitude in that way. >> and this is the likely the largest case of judge merchan's career, and this is maybe the only trial to go to trial before the election of donald trump, and what type of gravity does that entail for judge merchan, because the whole nation is watching what happens in his courtroom.
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>> well, the question answers itself, and that is the whole nation is watching, but when you are on a bench and in a courtroom, the defense is the defendant is the defendant, and the people are the people, and the rules are always the same. and so he is going to do what he does best, and the fact that he has to go home at night and hear that we are talking about him may not be as much fun as he'd like, but he is going to do his job. he is a straight shooter. he is fair. he has to make sure that defendant, and the whole panoply of rights works not just for you and me, but also for donald trump. >> thank you so much for your insights. >> my pleasure. >> and up next on "ana cabrera reports" a whole panda-monia coming this summer. panda-monia coming this summer. in real time.
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welcome back. get ready for a new round of
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pandemonium. after a sad good-bye to d.c.'s beloved pandas which returned home to china last year, a new pair will now be heading to the san diego zoo. nbc's jacob soboroff has more for us. >> what's up san diego zoo officials got back from china where they got to visit with yunchuan and xinbao, expected to generate a lot of buzz when they get theer this summer. a very special delivery via the panda express, a double dose of cuteness ready to turn america upside down. the san diego zoo sharing the first pictures of its sensations, two giant pandas expected to arrive this summer. zoo officials just returned from visiting the pair in their native china describing nearly 5-year-old male yunchuan is mild mannered, gentle and lovable. >> it is such a globally beloved
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animal that just brings so much happiness and joy. >> the highly anticipated import can't come soon enough for americans still reeling from the return home of three giant pandas from washington d.c.'s smithsonian zoo last year. >> i love them. they're so cute. >> i am sad to see them go. >> panda exhibitions are more than an opportunity to marvel at these charming creatures whose population is so vulnerable to deforestation. it's a look at diplomacy in action. richard nixon's trip ushered in a new era of relationships in china. >> i think panda-monium is going to break out here at the zoo. >> panda's quickly became the main attraction with millions flooding in to see our furry friends munching bamboo, climbing trees, even body sledding. >> to see a giant panda in person is just such an experience. the fact that we've been able to
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have giant pandas here in the united states has contributed highly significantly to the preservation of the species. perhaps the only place to see them stateside is the atlanta zoo. whenever they do arrive, they're expected to stay for at least a decade. plenty of time to catch a glimpse of nature's beauty in black and white. there's more good news on the panda chrome front. san francisco's mayor announce add deal to bring a pair there. they are still working out details. with all of these giant pandas coing cali, the golden state will be black and white all over. >> thank you so much. that's going to do it for us today. see you back here tomorrow, same time, same place. josé diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. ♪♪


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